1.30pm – 4.30pm
The mixed messages on Covid-19 regulations have had us lurching from optimistic to pessimistic, but the time has come to make firm decisions.
One thing the Committee does not want is to cancel so, given the current restrictions, we will be running a rather different show this year. There will be fewer classes, no entry forms, no charges, no judges, no prizes ...... all just for fun!
The 2021 Show will, we hope, capture your imagination, it will be run in two parts: The Outdoor Show for Spuds-in-a-Bag and the Longest Nettle and, a new venture, The Virtual Show Exhibition for photography, art and verse.
Entering the Outdoor Show is simpler than ever this year, no need to tell us in advance - just turn up on the day with your spuds and nettles.
To enter the Virtual Show, all you need is a smartphone or a computer – just text or email your entries and leave the rest to us.
Visiting the show will be different ...... everyone is welcome to come to the car park to look at spuds and nettles but
to see the other exhibits you will need to go on line to take a virtual tour of our Exhibition Galleries
The Parish Council has kindly allocated a page on its website for the Summer Show – it can be viewed from Show Day onwards. Not only will you be able to see photos of the Outdoor Show entries, but all the colouring art, photographs and limericks that have been entered.
Ground rules for the Outdoor Show:
ï‚· Please bring your entries to the All Saints Village Hall car park between 9am and 10.00am.
ï‚· Social distancing will be observed – so please keep 2m apart from other family groups.
ï‚· Please mark your entries with your name, or prepare your own name card, before you come.
ï‚· Please do not collect your entries until after 1.00pm. Entries will be left on the low wall outside the front of the hall.
Outdoor Show Classes
ï‚· Spuds-in-a-Bag - bring the whole bag, do not take the potatoes out.
ï‚· Longest Nettle - include the roots.
The All Saints Challenge Cup will be awarded to the winner of the Spuds-in-a-Bag competition.
Ground Rules for the Virtual Exhibition
Email your entry to no later than Monday 12 July and include your name and the name or number of the class. For children’s entries, please let us know that you are happy to display the child’s first name and age.
Multiple entries can be sent in the same or separate emails, as long as it is clear which entry relates to which class.
Only one entry to be submitted per person in each class.
Virtual Exhibition Classes
Photography - attach your photograph to your message 1 “All Saints 2020/2021” - a colour, or black and white, photograph.
Colouring Art – attach a photograph of your work to your message.
2 “NHS Heart”
3 “We’ll Get Through”
Download templates from the Parish Council website on the ‘All Saints Summer Show’ tab, you may enter either or both classes.
Verse – can be typed straight into your message
4 Write a limerick on a topical theme; here is an example:
A lady from Churchill called Jean
Was complaining that she hadn’t seen
Her friends for an age,
As directed by SAGE,
And all ‘cause of Covid-19.
Clive Bareham
Chairman, All Saints Summer Show Committee